The healthcare industry has been affected by disruption and the need for healthcare innovation. Legislative, market,…
Prescription for Disruption
Healthcare organizations across the care continuum, from hospitals and health systems, to health insurers, to life…
How to build a world-class API ecosystem
Today’s most successful organizations recognize that the experience they create for the participants in their API ecosystem will determine…
The CIO guide to crisis recovery
Businesses around the world are reopening their workplaces. But what are the next steps for CIOs…
7 steps to cultivate a thriving API ecosystem
With an API ecosystem, businesses can democratize access to their existing assets and capabilities through APIs that…
A CIO’s guide to maximizing the value of integration and APIs
From our work with thousands of enterprise customers around the world, we’ve learned that API-led connectivity…
Forrester finds 445% ROI with MuleSoft
Forrester Total Economic Impact (TEI) study found enterprise customers realize 445% ROI with MuleSoft’s Anypoint Platform…
A Buyer’s Guide to AP Invoice Automation Solutions
Organizations around the world are grappling with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and an uncertain…
Benchmark zum E-CommerceVersand 2020
Im Rahmen unserer Umfrage unter 8.500 Kunden aus aller Welt haben sich vier bedeutende Trends herauskristallisiert,…
Erfolgsstrategie für Ihr Retourenmanagement
Retouren: ein milliardenschweres Problem für den Einzelhandel. Zurzeit liegen alle Hoffnungen des Einzelhandels auf einer pandemiebedingten…