
Gioca oltre le regole: combatti il riciclaggio di denaro con l’analisi dei grafi

Le istituzioni finanziarie sono continuamente impegnate in una battaglia contro sofisticate reti criminali. E tempo di…

Play Beyond the Rules: Fight Money Laundering with Graph Analytics

Financial institutions are locked in a battle against sophisticated criminal networks. It’s time to fight money…

Spiel jenseits der Regeln: Kampf gegen Geldwäsche mit Graph Analytics

Finanzinstitute befinden sich im Kampf gegen raffinierte kriminelle Netzwerke. Es ist Zeit, Geldwascher mit ihren eigenen Mitteln…

Au-delà des règles: Luttez contre le blanchiment d’argent grâce aux Analytiques Graphiques

Les institutions financières sont en guerre contre les réseaux criminels sophistiqués. Il est grand temps de…

How Banks Create Sustainable Differentiation With Milestone-Based Lending

Financial institutions (FIs) have long enjoyed being the essential engines of our economy — reaping rewards…

How LTI’s automation tool saved 25% of project effort & cost for USD 34Bn Water Utilities Company

LTI partnered with USD 34 Billion French Water Utilities company to provide JDE upgrade for complex…

Benchmark 2020 sur la livraison du E-commerce

Bienvenue dans une ère où le E-commerce est le seul moyen d’entrer en contact avec les…

A global bank’s 3 step strategy for unlocking legacy systems

IT teams across industries face growing pressure to deliver projects faster while reducing costs. All too…

Open Banking platform strategy

Financial services has seen more disruptive technologies introduced over the past three years than any other…

Building the Connected Retail Experience

“Today’s shoppers expect more than a transactional relationship with retailers; they want a seamless and personalized…