Digitale groei begint met organisatorische agility. Er bestaat geen magische formule voor het realiseren van agility.…
ESG Trend Report 2019 – Mitarbeiter nutzen gerne nicht genehmigte Anwendungen
Immer mehr Mitarbeiter an entfernten Orten und Zweige brauche einen neuen Sicherheitsansatz. Angesichts einer zunehmend verstreuten…
Sicherheit, wo immer Sie auch sind.
cken immer größer. IT-Teams haben nicht mehr die gleiche Transparenz wie früher, während Mitarbeiter mehr als…
From Privacy to Profit: Achieving Positive Returns on Privacy Investments
The 2020 Cisco Data Privacy Benchmark Study contains results from a double-blind study of 2800 professionals…
Adapting to the Changing World of HR
Tap into more analytical, data-driven skills for HR.Traditionally, HR has been the “go to” for responsibilities…
Strategies for Meeting the Talent Challenge
Skills. Learning. Mobility.Strategies for navigating a changing talent landscape.There are many ways your organisation can build…
Sustaining the drive to digital: Six ways legacy platforms can slow you down as you scale
Companies are realizing that they need to move rapidly into a digital-first model — or risk…
The digital transformation maturity model: A road map towards becoming a digital-first organization
Digital transformation is how businesses are adapting to the impact of rapidly emerging technology. Everything depends…
The digital innovation gap: Insights from the industry’s largest ever survey of CMS users
In the industry’s largest ever survey of CMS users, we found a gap between where businesses…
The modern website strategy guide: How a modern content platform accelerates digital products
The modern website doesn’t just inform. It engages, updates, converses and surprises. Treat your website like…