Top 10 Risk + Compliance Trends 2024

An effective corporate compliance and ethics program rests on two principles. First, the program must guide the company through today’s complex regulatory environment; that’s the compliance part. Second, the program must help the company to operate with integrity, a standard of behavior more important to customers, employees and other stakeholders with every passing year; that’s the ethics part.
How can a compliance and ethics program operate on those two principles, while navigating the business, technology and social pressures of the day? That is the question NAVEX tries to answer in the annual Top 10 Trends in Risk and Compliance report.
To find those answers, NAVEX consults with trusted industry experts and internal thought leaders and practitioners. Those consulted were asked for their best thinking about what GRC professionals and other leaders should consider and prepare for in 2024. The result is this report in your hands (or on your screens).
In other words, 2024 will be a year of compliance and ethics programs responding to specific demands from the regulatory world.
We hope this year’s guide will provide valuable insight for any and all GRC professionals dedicated to meeting the challenges ahead.