Forrester: Your Tech Choices Impact the Employee Experience

Executive Summary

As customer experience ratings flatline globally, and the war for talent heats up, no company can afford neglecting employee experience (EX) anymore. Studies have repeatedly shown that when employees are happy, customer satisfaction and business performance go up.1
A 2016 Yale study showed that employee engagement had a positive and statistically significant effect on the Net Promoter Score (NPS), “Going from low employee engagement to high employee engagement will increase the likelihood of a customer being highly satisfied by 2.5 percentage points.

For small and midsized businesses (SMBs), this is gold; SMBs can arguably be more impacted with the loss of even a single employee, compared to large enterprises. With the need to expend their limited budgets and resources in the right direction, it is imperative that SMBs understand what drives employee experience. However, this is where most SMBs (and enterprises alike) stumble.

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