FlashBlade//S:Storage Built for AI

FlashBlade//S:Storage Built for AI

The right storage platform can both simplify an AI deployment and enhance its value to your business.

Driven by the availability of high performancecomputing hardware, AI software evolution,and plummeting cost, artificial intelligence (AI) has “arrived,” with broad and accelerating adoption among both governments and private sector enterprisesby solvingcomplex, real-worldproblems.The risingimportanceof AInow makes cost, reliability, scalability, and ease of use key factors in deployments. Yet organizations that wantto adopt AI, move a cloud project in-house, or replace a failing infrastructure are often unsure of how to create adurable AI architecture. This white paper describes data storage needs over a typical AI lifecycle and shows why Pure Storage®FlashBlade® systems meet AI storage needs from concept to maturity.

While every deployment is unique to some degree, the AI project lifecycle illustrated in Figure 1is common.

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