Happy customers often become loyal ones. And those loyal customers not only reduce your marketing costs…
Category: Information Technology And Services
2021 Contact Center Buyers Guide
The last year has profoundly changed the way we live, work and do business. Contact centers…
The Three Customer Service Megatrends In 2021: Post-Pandemic Customer Service Excellence
The COVID-19 pandemic shed light on the need for contact center modernization to provide seamless customer…
Journey mapping: chart the moments that matter most
Your customers are empowered by an endless number of online options, digital channels and easy access…
L’IDaaS (Identity-as-a-Service) pour les nuls
Votre guide indispensable pour découvrir l’IDaaS Nouvel ajout à la célèbre collection « Pour les nuls…
Businesses at Work 2021
L’année 2020, marquée par la pandémie de Covid-19, a apporté son lot de bouleversements. Les technologies…
Dekodierung von Customer IAM (CIAM) im Vergleich zu IAM (Identity Access Management)
Beim Identity and Access Management (IAM) gehen die Meinungen selten auseinander. Allerdings wird derzeit darüber debattiert,…
Entwickeln oder kaufen?
Sollten Sie Ihre Lösung intern entwickeln oder eine vorgefertigte Lösung kaufen? Dieses Whitepaper wägt beide Möglichkeiten…
CIAM for Dummies
Download your free guide and find out: What CIAM is and why it matters What capabilities…
Build Vs. Buy: Key Considerations and the Advantages of a Pre-built Identity Solution
Every team building a new web or mobile application faces a choice: build the entire application…