A fileless attack (“memory-based” or “living-off-the-land,” for example) is one in which an attacker uses existing…
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Ga buiten de regels om: Bestrijdt witwaspraktijken met Grafiekanalyse
Financiële instellingen zijn verwikkeld in een strijd tegen geavanceerde criminele netwerken. Het is dus de hoogste…
Gioca oltre le regole: combatti il riciclaggio di denaro con l’analisi dei grafi
Le istituzioni finanziarie sono continuamente impegnate in una battaglia contro sofisticate reti criminali. E tempo di…
Más allá de las reglas: Combata el lavado de dinero con el análisis de grafos
Las instituciones financieras le han declarado la guerra a las redes delictivas sofisticadas. Es hora de…
Lucrători cu conectivitate limitată
Tp de roluri: Zone rurale,regiuni în curs de dezvoltare Cerințele acestora:· Capacitatea de a lucra cu…
8 Lessons From The Pandemic
The construction sector had earned a reputation for slow adoption of digital technology well before the…
Securing and Simplifying Network Access for Higher Education
Colleges and universities offer target-rich environments for cyber criminals. From financial, medical, and personal data to…
How the Right Solutions Can Secure a University Network
As universities allow students, faculty, staff, and other stakeholders to bring more of their own devices…
Project Information Management (PIM) processes and software enable businesses to organize all of their financial, company…
Welchen Einfluss hat Daten-Streaming auf die Zukunft des Banken- und Finanzwesens?
Daten-Streaming bildet das Bindeglied, das Informationen aus unterschiedlichen Systemen wie dem Privatkundengeschäft, Kreditabwicklung und Kreditkarten erfasst…