Recently, in just three weeks we moved 80 percent of our 240,000+ employees-the world over-to securely…
Author: admin
Virtualizing Today’s Desktop– Baselining on Virtual
The big driver toward virtual desktops today is obvious – the digital diaspora among knowledge workers due…
Building a Flexible and Dynamic FP&A Function
The new decade which began with so much anticipation and dreams has soon thrown us quite…
10 Questions on Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting
Burning questions to help your organization get the most from your planning, budgeting and forecasting processes and…
Thrive with employee experience: Three principles to guide your EX strategy
You’ve intuitively felt that Employee Experience (EX) matters… …but might have struggled to express exactly why…
Remote Work + Sustainability ebook
Tactical, practical keys to help develop environmental policies for your business that positively impact work/life balance,…
ESG Report: Securing a remote workforce with a zero-trust strategy
A strategic approach to secure access that meets the requirements of all stakeholders—a frictionless experience for…
Tres formas en que un espacio de trabajo digital beneficia al departamento de TI y a los empleados.
El teletrabajo ha sido una tendencia creciente durante años. Sin embargo, de un día para otro,…
Traete vantaggio dalla tecnologia di virtualizzazione più adatta alla vostra infrastruttura ibrida
Il mercato attuale è competitivo e richiede un ambiente di hosting che offra flessibilità, sicurezza dei…
Das Ende des traditionellen Büros Wie die Virtualisierung Remote
Wie wirkt sich die Zunahme von Remote-Arbeit auf Ihr physisches Büro aus? Als Mitarbeiter begannen, vom…