Die Cloud hat unsere Art zu arbeiten verändert In der Vergangenheit fand Arbeit an einem bestimmten…
Author: admin
The transformation of the investment bank
Introduction: the burning platform Strong headwinds continue to buffet the global IB industry, limiting its ability…
So schaffen Sie die Umstellung zu einem digitalen Arbeitsplatz
Noch vor einigen Jahren verbrachten Mitarbeiter ihre Zeit hauptsächlich vor einem Bürocomputer und arbeiteten mit Anwendungen…
Choosing the Right mPOS: 6 Things to Consider When Selecting a mPOS System for Your Customers
6 Things to Consider When Selecting a mPOS System for Your Customers 63% of all consumers…
3 Questions to Ask Before Your Next POS Investment
Identifying key POS attributes from restaurant and guest perspectives to deliver future-ready in-line and online experiences
Deliver business-ready data with intelligent data cataloging and data lake governance
Solving data lake challenges with a DataOps approach Ten years ago, the journey began to find…
Deliver a business-ready data pipeline with DataOps
An introduction to the IBM DataOps methodology and practice Data is the fuel for innovation and…
Connecting the Digital Dots of the Hotel Customer Experience
High-speed connectivity is at the core of today’s digital world. Connecting your guests, properties, systems and…
Hospitality: The Many Dimensions of Connectivity
For hotels, connectivity is now as basic a need as hot water or clean sheets. You…