Today no quantum computer can run quantum algorithms, but once it does, a multitude of public key-based protocols including TLS / SSL, IPSEC, SSH, Internet of Things (IoT), digital signing and code signing will become vulnerable to eavesdropping and public disclosure as they are not strong enough to resist a quantum attack. There isn’t a concrete date of when we will hit the post-quantum era, but there are strong indicators that it will start between 2023 and 2030. If true, then in some cases, it might already be too late. For example:
• Root Certificate Authorities (CAs) – are valid from 2028 to 2038 which is well beyond when quantum computing will arrive
• Code Signing Certificates – most will expire in 2021, but any data you transferred over TLS will be potentially decryptable with perfect forward secrecy
• Document Signing Solutions – anything signed now will not have integrity in the post-quantum era
Learn how the quantum threat impacts internet security and why it is important we begin preparing for it today