The Umbrella Advantage: What Makes Cisco Umbrella Unique

Freedom to work anywhere.

Mobile workers. Branch offices. An ever-expanding perimeter. You’re likely dealing with these challenges while you fight to contain cyber threats and protect your users — and your company. But you’re not alone. Enterprises around the globe are grappling with the transition to the cloud and what that means for network security.

In the past, most — if not all — of the apps and infrastructure we used at work sat behind a firewall. Employees came into a physical office and logged into the network to start working. Today, “the office” can be anywhere: A coffee shop. Public transit. A remote destination. And what’s happening to your perimeter? It’s expanding and blurring. Users are bypassing the VPN. Data is bypassing perimeter security and flowing directly from mobile devices and apps to the cloud. Traditional security just can’t keep up.

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